
How To Find Executive Recruiters On Linkedin

Recruiters apply search terms and filters to find the right candidates. Landing in a recruiter's search results doesn't accept to be a affair of happenstance. By crafting a search-optimized LinkedIn contour, you can rank more highly for the types of jobs you're most interested in.

What are LinkedIn Recruiter and Recruiter Lite?

LinkedIn recruiter is a talent acquisition solution that assists enterprise recruiters in locating and engaging prospects for their sourcing needs. Recruiter low-cal is too a talent conquering solution, simply information technology assists individuals working in small-to-medium firms with low-book employment needs.

LinkedIn Recruiter and Recruiter Lite make use of search phrases and filters to source the all-time prospects in the industry.

While recruiters have their method of compiling a list of top applicants, LinkedIn Recruiter and Recruiter Lite volition take into consideration a diversity of profiles and user activity to rank its results. Although talent sourcing methods differ, about every hiring managing director either makes use of LinkedIn recruiter or Recruiter lite during the recruitment process.

How LinkedIn Recruiter Search Works

Ranking highly in a LinkedIn search requires optimizing for both LinkedIn's tech and the human tendencies of recruiters. LinkedIn's search algorithms consider a variety of contour sections and user activity to rank their results, while recruiters take their ain preferences and tricks to compile lists of tiptop candidates.

A small business hiring manager might use LinkedIn's advanced search filters to observe task candidates inside their network. An bureau recruiter might pay for LinkedIn Recruiter to aggrandize their networking and search capabilities. While sourcing techniques vary, almost anybody uses LinkedIn during the hiring process. In any of these scenarios, you can better your search ranking past optimizing key sections of your LinkedIn contour.

Jobscan'southward LinkedIn Optimization tool helps automate this process past analyzing your profile against relevant task descriptions and manufacture data. Try it now.

Headline and Job Titles

The contour headline and contempo chore championship are weighted heavily in LinkedIn's search algorithms as well equally recruiter behavior. A recruiter is likely to begin their search with specific job titles, and candidates with a matching job title in their headline and experience headings will announced college in results.

The headline is the first major piece of data seen in search results alongside the name and profile photo. You have 220 characters to use in your LinkedIn headline, enough of space to communicate exactly what you lot exercise, your specializations, and/or what function yous're pursuing.

The side by side most prominent piece of information shown in search results is electric current and past chore titles, which might exist weighted more than heavily in LinkedIn'southward search algorithm than the headline.

"I would contend that [the job title] is your near important field, and would strongly recommend that you lot use the [available] characters to its total potential," wrote Levi Lewis, a search engine skilful who researched LinkedIn'south search functions during his ain task search. "Instead of project manager, I might say 'Project Managing director, eCommerce client experience for checkout, cart, and post-order.'"

LinkedIn Recruiter search - keywords
LinkedIn Recruiter top results for a "Data Scientist" keyword search in Seattle, WA. Meridian candidates accept the job title/keyword in their headline, electric current job title, and at to the lowest degree 1 past job title.

Beyond calculation additional information into your job title fields, the specific wording of your task titles can also be of import. It is acceptable to tweak your task title to comprise mutual terminology used in your industry.

"With title, in that location's not necessarily a standardization," Jonathan White, a senior recruiter with both agency and in-house experience, told Jobscan. "You tin be a front finish engineer, but maybe at your company they telephone call you front end developers, software developers, or web developers. There's a lot of different titles for any given skillset."

Check out this video for specific examples of winning LinkedIn headlines:


Past experience can give recruiters and hiring managers a good idea of a candidate'southward capabilities, but they are highly likely to search for specific skills or keywords likewise, either past using LinkedIn Recruiters built-in skills filtering or by plugging all relevant terms into the search bar.

Keywords are the building blocks of your LinkedIn profile. If you want to attract hiring managers, ensure you brand use of the correct keywords.

"I go into a keyword search and put in different buzzwords that I pull from the specific job description," says White. "If I was looking for a forepart end developer, I would put in Javascript, CSS, HTML, HTML5…"

LinkedIn Recruiter Skills
Skills filtering in LinkedIn Recruiter (Data Scientist).

Keywords make the biggest bear upon on LinkedIn search ranking when they appear in a profile headline or task title, simply can also exist placed in job descriptions and the LinkedIn profile summary. Skills and keywords listed in your "Skills & Endorsements" section are searchable but not weighted as highly equally keywords in other sections.

Jobscan LinkedIn Optimization scans your LinkedIn contour and analyzes it confronting 3 or more job descriptions y'all provide, adding a level of keyword personalization missing from general advice and best practices.

LinkedIn optimization for recruiter search


Your about section can contain relevant keywords. These keywords could exist industry-related or experience-based. Nonetheless, a mixture of both would be helpful, depending on your experience.

To heave your LinkedIn contour'southward visibility, use keywords in your profile summary that a hiring manager could type into a search box.


Having a custom profile URL is beneficial to ranking in LinkedIn search results. When a hiring manager using LinkedIn recruiter or Recruiter calorie-free searches for keywords you have used, a custom URL tin can help your profile rank higher.

You can create a custom contour URL by changing the default URL from "…/john-doe-08b73111b/" to "…/john-doe-san-francisco" or "…/john-doe-project-manager."


"When I searched for candidates in LinkedIn Recruiter, I'd typically brainstorm with the location," said White. "I'd keep it under a xx mile radius. Sometimes I would even [search within] 5 miles."

Recruiters aren't only looking for the right skills, they're looking for candidates who are likely to accept the job offer. Considering of this, some recruiters are more likely to target local candidates at the start of their search.

LinkedIn Recruiter location filtering

You can't qualify for localized searches without adding your location on your LinkedIn profile. Similarly, list your current location rather than the urban center in which yous'd like to piece of work can take the aforementioned upshot. Explaining to a recruiter that y'all are willing to commute or relocate is more constructive than hoping they search broadly enough to find you.

Y'all should besides specify which cities you lot're willing to relocate to in your "Career interests" settings. When logged into LinkedIn, click "Jobs" in the top navigation bar. And so, click "Career interests" under the search bar to update your location preferences and other settings.

LinkedIn Jobs career interests location setting

Profile URL

LinkedIn contour default URLs are tidier now than they were in the by, but users are still wise to customize.

Creating a custom URL has benefits beyond the minimal effect it might have on a user'south ranking in LinkedIn search results. It looks better when included on a resume and helps your LinkedIn profile carry more weight in external search results. If a recruiter or hiring managing director googles your name and position, a custom URL can help improve your profile's rank. For example, change the default "…/john-doe-08b73111b/" to "…/john-doe-san-francisco" or "…/john-doe-project-manager".

What else is keeping recruiters from finding you?

Thousands of job seekers have already optimized their LinkedIn profiles using Jobscan. The Jobscan LinkedIn profile report also checks for:

  • Measurable results
    • White: "Bullet points are proficient, only knowing what you lot really did and achieved is even meliorate."
  • Job hopping and temp gigs that should be explained
    • White: "If they accept inverse jobs every yr for the last five or six years, what'due south gonna keep them here?"
  • Consummate didactics info
    • Equally with location, forgetting to include your complete educational data (including grad date) could cause y'all to be filtered out of search results correct off the bat.
  • Number of connections
    • Lewis: "The more than mutual connections yous accept with a searcher (recruiter or hiring director), the college your profile will exist in the results when they search words relevant to your profile." Recruiters can also specify degrees of connexion in their searches. The more connections you lot have on LinkedIn, the more likely you'll be a 2nd degree connexion to a recruiter.

Ranking highly in a LinkedIn search is nearly knowing what information to spotlight for both the LinkedIn search algorithms and the recruiters themselves. LinkedIn users can ameliorate their contour's performance past strategically including central data in all the right places.

Check out Jobscan LinkedIn optimization to receive tips tailored to your profile and job search.

linkedin optimization


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